

A. Hoenen. 2018. “Tools, evaluation and preprocessing for stemmatology”. PhD thesis. University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg. [summary-and-pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2011. „Der Fremdschrifterwerb. Eine Analyse verschiedener Sprachlehrbücher und Sprachkombinationen.“ Grin. [Grin-link]


A. Hoenen. 2018. “Recurrence Analysis Function, a Dynamic Heatmap for the Visualization of Verse Text and Beyond” in: Bubenhofer, Noah, & Marc Kupietz, eds. Visualisierung sprachlicher Daten: Visual Linguistics – Praxis – Tools. Heidelberg University Publishing. [pdf-link, html-link]

A. Hoenen. 2014. “Simulation of Scribal Letter Substitution,” in: Andrews, T. & Macé, C., eds. Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Texts and Manuscripts: Digital Approaches, Lectio 1, Brepols. [Brepols-link]

A. Hoenen and F. Mader, 2015. “A New LMF Schema Application by Example of an Austrian Lexicon Applied to the Historical Corpus of the Writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal,” in Historical Corpora, Narr. [Narr-ebook-link]

Conference Papers

Armin Hoenen. 2019. „NJ Networks – Turning greedy into all possibilities.“ German conference on Bioinformatics. Heidelberg. Dechema.

Armin Hoenen, Gerrit Brüning. 2019. „Zur Stemmatologie neuerer Überlieferungen“ DARIAH-DE Working Papers. Göttingen: DARIAH-DE. [ pdf-link ]

A. Hoenen. 2019. „Rooting through Direction – New and Old Approaches.“ In: Book of Abstracts of the DHd 2019 Mainz-Frankfurt. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2019. „eLearning the URLCoFi – Digital Didactics for Humanists.“ In: Book of abstracts of the AIUCD 2019 Udine/Gorizia. [pdf-provisional]

A. Hoenen. 2019. „Interpreting and Post-Correcting the Minimum Spanning Tree.“ In: Computer-linguistics poster session at DGfS 2019. Bremen. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2018. “Annotated Timelines and Stacked Area Plots for Visualization in Lexicography” in Proceedings of the Elexis workshop, collocated with EADH Gallway. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2018. “Wikipedia Mention Graphs by Example” in: Proceedings of the 1st EADH conference. Gallway.  [pdf-link, ppt-link]

A. Hoenen & Lela Samushia 2018. “Principles Aiding in Reading Abbreviations in Old Georgian and Latin ,” in Book of Abstracts DHd Köln, 2018. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2018. “Multi Modal Distance – An Approach to Stemma Generation With Weighting,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen, N. Schenk. 2018. “Knowing the Author by the Company His Words Keep,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen. 2018. “From Manuscripts to Archetypes through Iterative Clustering,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen. 2018. “Attempts at Visualization of Etymological Information” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018. [pdf-link, bibtex-link, presentation-link]

A. Hoenen, S. Eger, and R. Gehrke. 2017. “How Many Stemmata with Root Degree k?,” in Proceedings of the 15th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language, 2017, pp. 11-21. [pdf-link, bibreference-link]

Hoenen A. (2017) Using Word Embeddings for Computing Distances Between Texts and for Authorship Attribution. In: Frasincar F., Ittoo A., Nguyen L., Métais E. (eds) Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. NLDB 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10260. Springer, Cham. [Springer-link]

A. Hoenen. 2017. “Beyond the tree – a theoretical model of contamination and a software to generate multilingual stemmata,” in Book of Abstracts of the annual conference of the AIUCD 2017, Sapienza, Rome, AIUCD, 2017. [pdf-link]

S. Eger, A. Hoenen, and A. Mehler. 2016. “Language classification from bilingual word embedding graphs,” in Proceedings of COLING 2016, 2016. [pdf-link, bibreference-link]

A. Hoenen. 2016. “Silva Portentosissima – Computer-Assisted Reflections on Bifurcativity in Stemmas,” in Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts. Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University, 2016, pp. 557-560. [pdf-link, html-link]

A. Lücking, A. Hoenen, and A. Mehler. 2016. “TGermaCorp — A (Digital) Humanities Resource for (Computational) Linguistics,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen. 2016. “Wikipedia Titles As Noun Tag Predictors,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen. 2016. “Das erste dynamische Stemma, Pionier des digitalen Zeitalters?,” in Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2016. [pdf-link, html-link]

A. Hoenen. 2015. “Das artifizielle Manuskriptkorpus TASCFE,” in Accepted in the Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2015. [pdf-link, presentation-link]

A. Hoenen. 2015. “Lachmannian Archetype Reconstruction for Ancient Manuscript Corpora,” in Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT), 2015. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen. 2015. “Simulating Misreading,” in Proceedings of the 20th international conference on applications of natural language to information systems (NLDB). Springer. [Springer-link]

A. Hoenen. 2014. “Stemmatology, an interdisciplinary endeavour,” in Book of Abstracts zum DHd Workshop Informatik und die Digital Humanities – DHd. [pdf-link, html-link]

M. Z. Islam and A. Hoenen. 2013. “Source and Translation Classifiction using Most Frequent Words,” in Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), 2013. [pdf-link, bibtex-link]

M. Sukhareva, M. Z. Islam, A. Hoenen, and A. Mehler, “A Three-step Model of Language Detection in Multilingual Ancient Texts,” in Proceedings of Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012. [pdf-link]

R. Gleim, A. Hoenen, N. Diewald, A. Mehler, and A. Ernst, “Modeling, Building and Maintaining Lexica for Corpus Linguistic Studies by Example of Late Latin,” in Corpus Linguistics 2011, 20-22 July, Birmingham, 2011. [pdf-link]

Journal Papers

R. Gleim, S. Eger, A. Mehler, T. Uslu, W. Hemati, A. Lücking, A. Henlein, S. Kahlsdorf, and A. Hoenen, 2018. “Practitioner’s view: A comparison and a survey of lemmatization and morphological tagging in German and Latin,” Journal of Language Modeling. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen. 2019. „An open problem in computational stemmatology – a model for contamination.“ umanisticadigitale 5. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen, A. Mehler, and J. Gippert. 2016. “Corpora and Resources for (Historical) Low Resource Languages. Editorial“ in Corpora and Resources for (Historical) Low Resource Languages,” JLCL 31(2), p. iii–iv. [pdf-link]

A. Hoenen and L. Samushia. 2016. “Gepi: An Epigraphic Corpus for Old Georgian and a Tool Sketch for Aiding Reconstruction,” JLCL, vol. 31, iss. 2, pp. 25-38, 2016. [pdf-link]

N. Dundua, A. Hoenen, and L. Samushia. 2015. “A Parallel Corpus of the Old Georgian Gospel Manuscripts and their Stemmatology,” The Georgian Journal for Language Logic Computation, vol. IV, pp. 176-185. [bibtex-link]

A. Hoenen, “Measuring Repetitiveness in Texts, a Preliminary Investigation,” Sprache und Datenverarbeitung. International Journal for Language Data Processing, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 93-104, 2012. [bibtex-link]

Hoenen and T. Jügel. 2012. “Altüberlieferte Sprachen als Gegenstand der Texttechnologie — Ancient Languages as the Object of Text Technology. Editorial ” in A. Hoenen and T. Jügel, eds. Altüberlieferte Sprachen als Gegenstand der Texttechnologie — Ancient Languages as the Object of Text Technology, JLCL 27. [pdf-link]


A. Hoenen „The stemma as a computational model“ In: Handbook of Stemmatology – History, Methodology, Digital Approaches. Mouton, De Gruyter.

A. Hoenen, „History of computer-assisted stemmatology“. In: Handbook of Stemmatology – History, Methodology, Digital Approaches. Mouton, De Gruyter.

A. Hoenen „Software Tools“ In: Handbook of Stemmatology – History, Methodology, Digital Approaches. Mouton, De Gruyter.

A. Hoenen „Evolutionary models in other disciplines“ Chapter Introduction. In: Handbook of Stemmatology – History, Methodology, Digital Approaches. Mouton, De Gruyter.

under review

A. Hoenen, M. Rahn. Indigenous communities and the internet – what usages can we find? UNESCO.

A. Hoenen, C. Koc, M. Rahn. A Manual for Web Corpus Crawling of Low Resource Languages. Umanistica Digitale.